Welcome to SpookyPinion

SpookyPinion.com gives Halloween enthusiasts and American historians a year-round spooky-good time with a fun interactive map to explore, mark, comment, and communicate with America’s spooky side of history.

  • Irish Beginnings, Scottish Rite, and American Traditions

    Irish Beginnings, Scottish Rite, and American Traditions

    It begins with an ancient Irish Celtic festival of Samhain which is celebrated each year on the first of November. People were convinced that on that day, the spirits of the dead came back to their homes, so people dressed in costumes and lit huge bonfires to fend off their souls.  Our past article about…

  • SpookyPinion Hits Home in New Richmond, Ohio.

    SpookyPinion Hits Home in New Richmond, Ohio.

    The inspiration for SpookyPinion was just a short drive to the home of our 18th President of the United States. Located in New Richmond Ohio. We have been researching our spooky past and learning about the history that has defined America. Yes, history can be scary and so can our future… The in-between is what…

  • What is the difference between a cemetery and a graveyard?

    What is the difference between a cemetery and a graveyard?

    The terms “cemetery” and “graveyard” are often used interchangeably, but they can have some subtle differences. A graveyard typically refers to a burial ground that is directly attached or adjacent to a church, often smaller and locally oriented. It is usually associated with a particular church or religious institution, and the land is often owned…